Why Choose Us

Highly Experienced Team

We are experts in settling and negotiating debt for thousands of individuals and businesses. We have the highest employee to customer ratio in the industry which gives you 2 distinct advantages:

  1. We give personal attention to each of our clients. The average hold time to reach our customer service team is less than 30 seconds, the industry average is 26 minutes. With many companies it takes 2-3 days to get a return phone call.
  2. Since we have more Debt Settlement officers per client, we are able to negotiate MUCH LOWER amounts per settlement. We average 61% OFF the current debt amount compared to the debt settlement industry average of 45%. If you have $20,000 of debt, we would save you an ADDITIONAL $3,200 by using our company.

Debt Settlement of America knows the debt settlement industry better than anyone else and we will help you get back to financial freedom in less than 3 years.

We truly care about our clients and look forward to serving you. Please contact us now by calling 866-672-7954 or clicking here for a free consultation.

Avoid Bankruptcy

Our fees are based on performance. 30% of what we save you.

Guaranteed Debt Reduction

If we don’t save you 30% or more, you don’t pay us anything. Our typical settlements are 40% – 60% including fees.

Complete Transparency

Rapid Debt Reduction!

36 months or less.

Immediate Help

Free, no obligation consultation.

Jobless or no extra funds???

An exciting opportunity wherein you can earn while you are in the program.

World Class Customer Service

Get feedback regularly on your accounts.
Every month instead of waiting for 6 months.like most of the debt settlement companies do.

Get FREE consultation for the BEST debt settlment. Fill our web consultation form or call us toll free (877) 482-4770 NOW